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HR Challenges in Fiji: Does it need a slurp of Kava?
HR Trends

HR Challenges in Fiji: Does it need a slurp of Kava?

Nirvi B
August 10, 2023

With an earthy flavour, Kava has a taste that might not be likeable among Fijians; but is certainly adored for the way it makes one feel. This traditional drink of Fiji is made of mashed roots of yaquona and is squeezed with water to make a somewhat narcotic, healing drink.

Coming to the overview of HR challenges in Fiji - does Fijian HR need a great Kava boom? Or as famously known - a great Kava ceremony?

HR in Fiji | peopleHum

The connection between business growth and human resource management are not new among the decision-makers. But what is usually misunderstood are the factors that affect the strategies; strategies to improve and implement the organisation's growth and HRM.

To detect how well workforce management is going and what's lacking, HR in Fiji, as any country, needs to take a closer look at the current HR state and the general advancements in HR, at a microscopic level.

Key HR challenges in Fiji:

To guarantee that Fiji's workforce is productive and competitive in regional & global job markets, the planning mechanisms must assess the HR issues to address them.

1. Attracting top talent

The country's economy is mostly based on informal employment, so the plan focuses on offering opportunities to skilled employees, who are generally difficult to source. Recruiting in general takes a lot of documentation and might monopolise your HR department's time.

Fortunately, your HR team may avoid having to deal with employee resumes, tax paperwork, manual data entry, etc. by adopting a procedure for end-to-end recruitment automation like peopleHum. With our specialisation in job board integration, you also get to share your available job opportunities on Fijian websites, like or, for your internet audience.

2. Learning and development (L&D) management

Inexperience of youth

A great number of the Fijian workforce fly abroad to seek opportunities in developed countries. This expertise that has been lost owing to emigration cannot be replaced by younger graduates. These HR challenges in Fiji have cited the lack of practical experience of new employees as the most pressing job market issue.

The need for skilled workers

Training and L&D are critical to be able to benefit from the ideas and technology. Rather than losing potential candidates over lack of skills or training, which is normally expensive, an L&D management system should be adopted, i.e. adapting ideas and technology as per the specific circumstances.

3. Engaging their employees

Encourage some employee engagement activities that are most appropriate to your organization's resources. Provides a sustainable work environment. These work transformational methods can only be adopted if HRM is given a strategic role in your company.

Promoting job satisfaction

The cutting edge of employee satisfaction lies in an ability to replicate old ideas and practices in a form that aligns self and organizational goals. As to the landscape of HR challenges in Fiji, job satisfaction should not be entirely controlled by narrow economic reasoning, but rather by strategic means.

Boosting employee motivation

The common factor between both - HRM and organisational growth - is focused at maximising employee motivation to achieve set results. Consider an employee's motivation for them to adopt new hr challenges and dependencies rather than what they already know. This promotes economic progress, leading employees to trust the vision of your organisation. Just how Fijians entrust and rejoice the Kava ceremony.

HR challenges in Fiji | kava ceremony

4. Establishing productive work culture

The delayed pace of a productivity culture in Fijian businesses has been a concern. (Chandra 1996) Many formal employers complain about their employees' low productivity due to insufficient pre-service training or lack of incentive. Another reason that results into low productivity is the inadequate use of technology, i.e., lack of employee performance management tools.

5. Retaining skilled employees

There's a need to accelerate the retention of valuable employees as a large number of skilled employees emigrate to other developed countries. Employees pursuing temporary work in the industries have significantly contributed to this growth. It's essential for HR in Fiji to adopt new-age technology as an employment control mechanism as it might play a greater role in safeguarding employee retention rates.

6. Al & Analytics

A recent study revealed that professionals from human resources believe AI may provide new skills to master and free up time so that HR professionals expand their existing jobs to become more strategic in their functions.

Keeping in mind the HR challenges in Fiji, HR analytics can help track the engagement and performance of your employees to reduce retention and the turnover rate, and to create a more productive workforce. Because of poor management or lack of recruitment strategies, HR experts might face a loss of required developments without HR analytics.

How may peopleHum help?

Organizations are influenced by the resilience and innovation of their employees. As per a survey by Future of Workplace, 81% of HR leaders stated that it is difficult to keep pace with the advances in HR technology. peopleHum with its steadfast customer-centric approach eliminates the troubles of HR software integration and ensures a smooth workflow for meeting the comprehensive needs of the HR challenges in Fiji.

We come with comprehensive modules from Hire to Retire to align your organization and employee needs. Hear out our story to see how we can foolproof your organisation's growth with our one-view integrated HR software solution.

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HR Challenges in Fiji: Does it need a slurp of Kava?

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