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How Blibli simplifies HR technology for 6000+ employees with peopleHum
Customer success stories

How Blibli simplifies HR technology for 6000+ employees with peopleHum

Sneha Moorthy
May 12, 2023

My name is Siauw Gie Kian, I'm Senior Vice President of Development at We are leading eCommerce provider in Indonesia. Over the past eight years, we have grown into our organization with over 5,000 employees. In that way, we needed a strong human resource information system software to help us manage. We were actually using several, software for our HR purposes. So for recruitment, we were using one thing for our performance appraisal, we were using another thing For surveys we were using yet another thing and now with the adoption of peopleHum, it's very good that we can just use one single platform to accomplish all this.

peopleHum is very easy to use. So it doesn't require much training for our end user to start picking up and using a feature. Besides that, it also has a strong analytics that allows us to view through its dashboards. All of the, things that are going on within our organization, in terms of recruitment, in terms of performance appraisal, engagement., surveys and all

We've been using a primarily for the, for the recruitment and also performance appraisal. So recruiting is very, it's very much more efficient with the peopleHum compared to our older processes, we are now able to track, which candidate, how long they it's on each step. Starting from the written test into user interview, HR interview , all the way entering the medical checkup and offering period. So, uh, we can identify which steps has inefficiencies and, and dig more into it.

peopleHum is quite strong in its analytics capability. This gives us very good visibility. And we get a lot of insights like which ones are our most productive sources of candidate leads, which schools are the top ones. So all those information becomes very, very visible to us with peopleHum

We get very, very good support in adopting peopleHum. The organization structure is part of peopleHum, so we can take a look into the entire organization and see who is where. All that visibility is now phenomenal

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How Blibli simplifies HR technology for 6000+ employees with peopleHum

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