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Dear Santa: A letter from HR
Employee Centricity

Dear Santa: A letter from HR

Remita Dsouza
June 26, 2023

The holiday season is all about fun and frolic but for our HR pals all around the world are bombarded with letters from employees requesting time off or requests for extra vacation days, papers and papers of work are making our HRs stressed and now they are asking good’ol Santa to give them a helping hand.  Check out this letter to Santa from a stressed-out HR.

Dear Santa,

I’m hoping that you can make my work life easier. Just the other day I received thousands of letters from employees who want to take leaves for the holiday season or they want to know how many leaves they can take this year.

I’m a little stressed out now, and I would like you to gift me something that can help me  manage employee data, track attendance and monitor employee performance so that I can focus on other tasks

From HR

But our dear Santa has no idea what HRs are talking about…

“Hohoho… What is all this, I wonder! Better employee data management? Attendance tracking? Employee performance management? I wonder what I could do to help?..hmmm…”

Let’s take a look at some of the letters that Santa has collected for a few days now and maybe Santa's elves can help him figure out a solution

#1 Dear Santa, can the hiring system be as fast as your sleigh?

Dear Santa,

We know it’s already been a very busy holiday season for you and your elves, but we’d like to take a moment to make a special request: we’re looking to grow our team and we need your help.

We know that you can find the perfect elves for our team as we find it so time-consuming to go through profiles and profiles of potential candidates. We would love it if you could gift us a tool that would help us get this process done faster.

From HR

#2 Dear Santa, can my teams be on the same page just like your reindeer

Dear Santa,

We have a big wish this year: better team communication. We know that when teams are on the same page and can effectively share ideas, it not only helps productivity but it can also makes everyone’s jobs more enjoyable.

I mean just imagine if Rudolf didn’t inform Dasher about the location you were supposed to deliver a gift, that would be pretty bad right? We need a tool that can help us with better internal communication. Please Help!

From HR.

#3 Dear Santa, can we have our version of elves to manage our everyday tasks

Dear Santa,

We're looking for an HR software solution that is intuitive and user-friendly, able to adapt to our fast-paced corporate culture, and equipped with features that streamline the onboarding process for new employees, benefits management, and other HR-related tasks. Ideally, it should also provide comprehensive reporting tools and analytics dashboards to support the needs of HR professionals.

So please Santa, if you can find an HR software that meets these requirements I would be very grateful!

Love from HR.

#4 Dear Santa, is there any way we can smoothly move our new employees through the chimney?

Dear Santa,

I hope you are enjoying your time with the elves. I am writing to ask for your help in creating a smooth onboarding process for our new employees. We want to provide a clear and concise onboarding process that will ensure that our new hires have a great experience from day one.

I would appreciate it if you could gift me some sort of tool that can provide both me and the new employees with a very smooth onboarding experience.

From HR.

#5 Dear Santa, How do you manage to keep your elves happy, can you tell us your secret?

Dear Santa,

I am writing to you because I need your help. I have been told that you are the best person to give me advice on how to keep employees happy and engaged.

I want my teams to be happy, but sometimes it feels like it is just not possible for them to be happy here with me. They seem like they want something different than what we offer them here. Is there anything that we can do about this?

I hope that you can gift us a tool that can keep our employees from leaving so much. We really need your help! Thank you so much for your time!

From HR.

There are dozens of letters from HR professionals asking Santa for just a few tools that will assist them with their processes without them having to do them constantly. The elves are still brainstorming which tools can help HRs, but we have come up with a brilliant solution.

What if we told you that all of your HR worries could be managed in a single system, from profile screening through onboarding and offboarding? Wouldn't it be the greatest present for all HR professionals out there?

Find out how peopleHum’s HR software can be the ultimate gift to give all HR professionals this holiday season!

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Dear Santa: A letter from HR

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