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April 2022 Product Updates: What's New at peopleHum
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April 2022 Product Updates: What's New at peopleHum

Team pH
July 20, 2023

We are back again with our monthly product updates! This month, our product developers have introduced some awesome features and updates that make peopleHum more effective for your business, and we’re very delighted to present them. These updates are aimed at making HR easier and less strenuous. Here’s a quick glimpse of what’s new with peopleHum this April.  

peopleHum's Monthly Product Updates: April Release

1. Lead magnet

In order to convert more prospects into our customers, and to build a better pipeline, utilize the job description templates in order to post a job and get the prospects on board. Prospects can register to create an account and post a job from peoplehum.  

From the website, prospects will have an option to select and edit the JD template, and post it directly to the job boards.

How it works:

Prospects will land on the Job description template website. They will select a particular template and proceed to post this job or edit the template before posting the job. Landing on the portal, they would be asked to enter the business email, organization name and after signup, they would receive an email verification link, Post confirmation, they would be asked to create a password. Once done, the account is created and, they will land on the ‘View job’ page (we will show a pop up here to describe the “View job” page) which shows their job is posted on peoplehum. They can copy links of some job boards and paste them in order to get candidates.

2. Changes in goal

The name of the employees who have used this goal will be shown along with the child goals in the parent goal section.

3. Leave Audit

The most common confusion that the employees and the HR face is the mystery of a leave balance. Should it be more or less? Leave balance is a dynamic value which depends not just on the leave settings which can change but also the values set in an employee’s profile. On top of that leaves can be added or subtracted manually and migrations are often done to correct certain values.  

With leave audit, the employee will be able to see the entire history of their leave. Each change is captured thus strengthening the self-serve aspect of the platform. It will help the HR and the employee understand and debug in case of any discrepancy on expected vs actual.  

It is maintained for each leave category and even when the leave category is disabled you can still view the history of the same.

4. Changes in competencies

The following functionalities have been added in competencies  

  • Ability to delete the competency
  • Ability to add a scale descriptor as the feedback templates had
  • Ability to allow a setting for equal weightage for all skills within a competency
  • Ability to save a competency in draft

5. Calendar event creation for leaves

You have a vacation planned to Maui. You want to let your team know that you'll be out of office for awhile, but you don’t want to clutter group member inboxes with an invitation describing your out-of-office plans. With peopleHum's calendar event creation, schedule your out-of-office event that automatically blocks your calendar indicating that you are on a leave.

6. Profile attribute change with effective date

The hassle of remembering when the designation of Jack is going to change from Assistant Manager to Manager is not on you anymore; let the platform worry about it. Now any time a change is made to the profile of an employee, you can choose to make it effective from a future date. You can schedule the change for a future date and forget about it or you can make the change right then by just skipping the effective date all together and letting the platform make the change then and there itself.

7. Employee IDs in reports

We hear you and have now added the employee ID in the standard reports of peopleHum. We understand that in a lot of organizations an employee is better recognized by their employee ID rather than email ID. Thus, this change should solve that problem.

8. Approvals for change in employee profile attribute

No change in a team can happen without the team lead approving it. Now, the platform gives you the flexibility to set up approvals for any attribute, custom and system alike and make sure that unless it goes through a proper approval channel, no official change is made to the said attributes.

For example, your company policy states that the change in level has to be approved by the finance controller and the HR. You can set that up using the steps below.

1. Go to advanced settings followed by ‘Rule’

2. Create a new rule using the ‘New rule’ action

3. In the workflow choose ‘User profile’ attribute

4. In events, you can choose whether the approval is only valid in case you are adding a new value or you are editing an existing value. You can even choose both

5. In the next step you can choose the level, as shown in the example. Please note that you can multi-select the attributes if the same approval flow is valid for all of them.

6. In conditions you can select if you want to have this approval set up only for a certain group of employees or the complete organization

7. In approvals set up your approval process

8. And done! Going forward any change will go through the approval that has been set up.

All the approvals to the respective approvers will show under Manage -> Approvals.

No change will be applicable until the complete request is approved. If you have added an effective date for this change it will reflect on the same.

9. Overtime and timesheet integration

The concept of overtime has been added to the platform where you can specify the types of overtime you offer as per the company policy. In case you have shifts enabled, which means, after how many minutes of shift hours should the person be eligible for overtime? Each overtime can further be configured for a set of people or can be applicable for the whole organization.

While filling in the timesheet now, the employee can choose whether the hours entered are within the shift hours or overtime. The timesheet hours can also be sent for multi-level approval in case needed.

10. Attendance consolidated report

The new attendance report has all the values indicating if the person is on leave, whether it is a holiday or a weekend. It also includes the number of hours that the employee has clocked in for.

11. Multi-clock in and clock-out

Attendance management system at peopleHum now supports multiple Clock-in and clock-outs. The company admin can set up their attendance system as followed in their organization, for example they will be able to define their total working hours accordingly.

For example, if your company policy says that total working hours are calculated according to the duration for which an employee was clocked-in then the company admin would just have to follow the following steps:

1. Go to Manage tab in organization settings.

2. Scroll down to the attendance section and click on ‘Add’

3. Mention the name of the attendance setting.

4. Enter the effective from date, Select clock-in and clock-out as the tracking method.

5. Select the total working hours according to your company policy.

6. Select the mode of tracking, it's basically the attendance system that is being used in the company, you can select one or both.

7. Configure the last rule for attendance settings where you’ll be able to define the rule such as on which days the employees will be allowed to mark the attendance on.

You’ll be able to see the list of all these settings in the Manage tab of organization settings, under the attendance section.

Employee attendance data will also have multiple entries for clock-in and clock-out.

12. Attendance applicability

The concept of applicability is introduced in attendance. Now on peopleHum a company admin can configure different attendance settings for different Users/Teams/Groups.

How it works:

You can do it in the following steps:

1. Go to Manage tab in organization settings.

2. Scroll down to attendance section and click on add.

3. Mention the name of the attendance setting.

4. Enter the date from which these settings will be effective from.

5. Select “Clock-in and clock-out" or “Track only attendance” as the tracking method.

6. Set the applicability for these attendance settings. You can select from everyone in the organization where it will be present for everyone, or from teams where you can specify multiple teams, or can select from Users where you’re able to specify users and user groups.

Only those employees for whom the attendance settings are applicable for, will have the clock in button on the homepage to mark the attendance (if the mode of attendance selected is peopleHum tracking system in that attendance settings)

13. Reject and Dropout option in Hire stage

Once the applicant is hired, you can now reject/dropout them from that stage in case of any failure in background check etc. or the applicant not getting back

After the reject action is been taken, all the onboarding tasks will be revoked, and the applicant's name will be removed from manage>people>pending invitations also.

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April 2022 Product Updates: What's New at peopleHum

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